Tip Calculator

Welcome to the Tip Calculator. Use this tool to quickly calculate the tip based on your bill total and desired tip percentage.

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Tip Amount

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Total Amount

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Tip Calculator: Quick Calculation for Tipping

The Tip Calculator helps you quickly calculate the tip based on your bill total and desired tip percentage. Simply enter the bill total and tip percentage, and click the "Calculate Tip" button to see the result.

How Does the Tip Calculator Work?

The Tip Calculator uses the entered bill total and tip percentage to calculate the tip amount and the total amount you need to pay. This is useful for dining out, travel, and more.

Why Use a Tip Calculator?

  • Quick Calculation: Easily calculate the tip amount and total amount.
  • Accurate Results: Ensure you are tipping the correct amount.
  • Convenient: Save time and avoid manual calculations.

Try Our Tip Calculator Today!

Use our Tip Calculator to quickly and accurately calculate the tip based on your bill total and desired tip percentage. Whether you're dining out or traveling, this tool can help you manage your expenses effectively.

Tip Percentages by Country

Here is a comprehensive list of tip percentages by country, along with countries where tipping is not customary or can be considered inappropriate:

Countries Where Tipping is Customary:

  • United States: 15-20% for dining, with tips for other services like hotels, taxis, and delivery.
  • Canada: 15-20% in restaurants, similar for other services.
  • Mexico: 10-15% in restaurants, small tips for other services.
  • Argentina: 10-15% in restaurants, not always expected.
  • Norway: 10-20% for exceptional service, not always necessary.
  • Russia: 10-15% in restaurants, sometimes rounding up or small tips for other services.
  • Saudi Arabia: 10-15% in dining settings.
  • United Arab Emirates: 10-15% in restaurants, particularly in tourist areas.
  • Israel: 12% for restaurant service.
  • Spain: 10% if service is good, often included in the bill.
  • France: 10%, though many places include a service charge.
  • Greece: 10% for restaurant service.
  • Italy: 10% for good service, often given in cash directly to the server.
  • Egypt: 10% in restaurants, especially in tourist locales.
  • Kenya: 10% for dining.
  • Brazil: 10% is standard, often included in the bill.
  • Australia: While not mandatory, 5-10% for exceptional service.
  • New Zealand: Similar to Australia, not mandatory but 5-10% for great service.
  • South Africa: 10-15% in restaurants.

Countries Where Tipping is Not Customary or Can Be Considered Inappropriate:

  • Japan: Tipping can be seen as insulting or a form of bribery; service is included in the price.
  • South Korea: Tipping is generally not practiced; service charges are included.
  • China: Not a tipping culture; attempting to tip could be misunderstood or refused.
  • Singapore: Tipping isn't expected, and a service charge is often included in the bill.
  • Denmark: Service charges are included in prices, and tipping isn't customary.
  • Finland: Similar to Denmark, tipping isn't common since service is included.
  • Iceland: Tipping isn't part of the culture; service charge might be included.
  • Sweden: Tipping isn't expected, and a service charge is often included.
  • Switzerland: Tipping isn't customary, but rounding up is appreciated in some cases.
  • Taiwan: Tipping isn't expected; service charge might be part of the bill.
  • Hong Kong: Tipping isn't customary, but a small tip might be left for exceptional service.

Additional Notes:

  • In many places, especially in Europe, if there's a service charge on the bill, additional tipping might not be necessary unless you want to show extra appreciation.
  • In countries where tipping isn't common, if you do decide to tip, do so discreetly, as it might not be expected.
  • For countries where tipping is customary, remember that these percentages are for restaurant service; tips for other services like hotels or taxis can vary or be less.
This list reflects common practices but can change, so it's wise to check the latest local etiquette or ask locals when traveling to ensure you're acting appropriately.